Here's the original post:
And here's my reply to it:
>Here's a list of the addresses to contact, in order to make sure that
>Mrs. Lori Drew is punished appropriately by authorities & the
>business community:
I think I'd like to punish you instead for being a retard.
>A brief letter to lawmakers, sheriff's department and other people --
>even an email or fax -- will show that we
...uh, what's this "WE" bullshit, Sunshine? Speak for yourself and do it with your real life contact information...or shut the fuck up you anon posting fuckwit. To put it another way...DYOFDW
>will not stand for this harassment,
Won't stand for it? Fuck I promote the shit!
>goad them to change legislation
Wouldn't THAT actually be a form of harassment? I mean you're essentially one great big FAT hypocrite, now aren't you?
>to make this kind of online harassment illegal - a felony.
Ironically, the kind of online harassment that YOUR proposing (e-mail bombing) actually *IS* illegal.
>And to exercise the INTENTIONAL
>INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS laws in place in Missouri!
Sorry dipshit, but this here is the Internet and the number of people who give a rats ass about Missouri and whatever drooling idiot laws they wanna pass is hardly of any consequence outside of entertainment.
The bottom line is that the Internet is not some fuckin playground to just shit your children onto and forget about them. The Internet can be a very dangerous place to retards who can't discern the difference between REALITY in the real world and FANTASY on the Internet. In Megan's case, the emo bitch should have been taken to see a psychologist and said psychologist, in addition to prescribing some anti-depressants, should have recommended that her parents TAKE AWAY THE FUCKING COMPUTER. A computer is NOT something that an emo fuckwit should have access to...EVER! I mean let's really think about this...if yer kid was an emotional wreck all the time...would you go and buy them a box of razor blades? Hrmmm...probably the
fuck no. So why in the name of Satan would your dumbfuck ass give them a computer with an Internet connection so that they can go online and open themselves up to one giant, endless SHIT STORM of hatred, debate, trolling, nastiness and invective word art?
Duh uh, think slow now, Downs.
Not to mention the fact that what your proposing makes about as much sense as trying to enforce a law that says you can't eat Twinkies on Thursday. For takes nearly ZERO effort to post anonymously and for two...oh, wait, no there is no two, one is pretty much where yer fuckin idiocy falls flat on its dumbfuck face.
>Megan Meier is not the first kid or adult to be hurt by online
>harassment, and she won't be the last.
Considering just how many fuckwitted retard parents there are out
there who expect random strangers online to be their childrens, probably not.
>Ask the US Attorneys to take on this case and punish the Drew
>family for causing this girl's death.
The only one who "caused" that girls death...was the girl herself. Or did the whole concept of SUICIDE escape yer fumbling grasp you chromosomal deficient. And really, if ANYONE helped her to commit suicide it was her dumbfuck parents for letting the emo-tard online in the first place. That dumbfuck, Darwin Award winning, emo, tweenage muppet fuck should have NEVER been online in the first place. And personally...I'm glad the stupid bitch is dead. More oxygen for the rest of us! I'm a firm believer that those who want to commit suicide are actually fueled by a subconscious trigger in their genetics.
Basically on a subconscious level they know they're an evolutionary dead end that isn't fit to breed, so their genetics trigger an instability in their emotional state which causes them to crave
suicide. You might think of it as a kind, to humanity. ^_^
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
Hatter Quotes
"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the
"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally bitch slapped you
with it."
"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."
"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the fuck up!"
"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my
"There are clingy things in the grass...burrs 'n such...mmmm..."
"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."
"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"
"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."
"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."
"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."
"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."
"Quible, quible said the Hare. Quite a lot of quibling...everywhere.
So the Hare took a long stare and decided at best, to leave the rest,
to their merry little mess."
"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."
"Those who record history are those who control history."
"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton
tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."
"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a
"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.
Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast
indicates an increase in Webtv users."
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You're right -- the Internet is not a babysitting service. The Meiers had no clue what they were doing when they let their daughter get online, lie about her age, and then get close to a stranger in a mere matter of weeks. Close enough to actually kill herself over him.
BTW, what's with the language? Trying to be "kewl", huh, and doing this for the "lulz"?
And I'm sure it's just a "coincidence" that you open a blog just to talk about the girl being an "emo bitch" and as a matter of course, add links to your business in the same blog. Very creative marketing.
Yeah, I'm sure people are going to line up to use your services.
Good luck!
It's not a coincidence, some Webbie fags came onto Usenet and started postin about this shit, presumably cause some of you Webbies wanted that mean 'ol Mad Hatter to go and stir up some shit...well, here it is.
As far as trying to be "kewl", sorry, but this is my typing style on Usenet, has been for a little over a decade now. If you don't like it, don't fuckin read it. Or go kill yerself over it like Megan. Yeah, that's a good idea. *nods*
BTW I don't really have a business so much as I have a hobby. I won't take just any web design job that comes along, it has to be something that interests me creatively. Further, my sites are in no need of promoting, they already collectively generate more than a half million unique hits a month...and that's with little to no real advertisement (outside of attaching them in my .sig)
Worked up, eh? LOL, you obviously don't have any fuckin cl00 as to who you're talking to. Let me put it this way...I once pissed off a guy *SO* bad...he actually went so far as to deface the front of the Nambla website with pictures of me. Now if THAT didn't bother best check yerself there, Sparkles.
Also I'm not "raking in the mega bucks" nor do I have any particular desire to do so. To me, web design and graphic design is more about the art than it is a career or money maker. The pricing on my main site is also negotiable, normally how much I charge for a site is based on the clients budget and how much interest I have in the job.
As for the "obscenities", well I'm so very sorry that you were physically and psychologically ABUSED as a child to feel DIRTY every time you hear a word like FUCK. I however cannot relate nor empathize with your mental deficiency, so as I said, if you don't like it...go fuck yerself off my blog and go find some happy go ass slurping teddy bear picnic surprise of fur fags to coddle you, cause yer not gonna get that around here. I'm eight shades of ass blistering reality coupled with a few sharp bitch slaps of hard, biting sarcasm. Slurp it, suck it, I know you all love it.
I love you.
You are sooooo narcistic!
You sound soooooo much like a tweenage muppet fuck. Have fun playing Internet psychologist though, Kiddo. I'm sure just about everyone loves you pseudo-intellectual (read failing) grasp of banal pop psychology cliches. Just remember, you are soooooooo unique...just like everyone else. `, )
I think you need to get a life
It's okay, I have your life. Just keep posting on my blog and show everyone just how much of your head space I'm sellin real estate in.
27, eh? I'm assuming that you have children who are teens, as you speak with such great authority on the subject.
You don't? Huh, what a surprise! What's the matter, can't get a date?
You poor little dweeb. Poor little fat, pale dweeb with bad skin and poor hygiene.
I'm sorry that people were so mean to you when you were a poor little fat teenaged dweeb with bad skin, I honestly am. But look what it's turned you into!
I strongly suggest that you get off your computer, get outside for some fresh air and exercise, put down the Mountain Dew, brush your teeth once in a while and make a stab at joining the human race.
Good luck!
Oh and by the way? You are a TERRIBLE designer. Really awful. Care Bears? It's hard to believe anyone could make a web site devoted to all things Care Bears look even more hideous than expected, but you managed.
Even your wedding blog is ugly. What in God's name does your wife see in you? Does she know you're typing these vile things about a dead kid?
Actually Leigh, I do have a God daughter as well as a nephew and I happen to be quite active in their lives. No, they're not teenagers yet, but I'm sure when they reach that age they won't be complete mental cases who kill themselves over a MySpace account. I mean, honestly, it doesn't get much more sad and pathetic than that. I mean they could pretty much carve that the fuck into yer tombstone for eternal lulz...killed herself over a MYSPACE page.
BTW Leigh, it's pretty amusing to watch you try and verbally attack my looks when last I checked the image of you on yer blog page...OMG WTF IS THAT?! I mean your hair is a twisted, mangled knot of grime and unkempt, you got these incredibly nasty lookin circles around your eyes, some kind of...mole or something on the bridge of yer nose, a pretty severe lot of black heads, pimple scars and other facial blemishes...*shudder* look like some deranged homeless woman who hasn't touched a stick of eye liner in her life. Seriously girl, you need a make over in like...the worst fuckin way imaginable. And someone, for the love of Satan, needs to teach you how to put on some makeup!
The other big difference between the two of us is that people were never really mean to me in the real world...of course as I've stated before the Internet and the real world are VERY different places and only the most socially deprived like yourself confuse the two.
I strongly suggest that you get the fuck off my blog and go retard back to whatever shit encrusted land of losers you crawled out from...maybe give them all a shock by brushing your teeth sometime...or your hair.
As for claiming that I'm a "TERRIBLE" designer...well, do be sure and let me know when you evolve past the level of pathetic and can actually critique any of my designs from a professional stand point. You'll know when you've reached that level because you'll be able to give very specific examples of what's supposedly "TERRIBLE" and specifically explain WHY it's terrible keeping in mind factors like site demographics (who the site is targeted to), color theory, user interface design, etc, etc.
BTW, I think you really show off just how well your opinion of my sites matter in how on the wedding blog site you so very easily confused me with my brother. Obviously you're not paying very close attention as you're randomly clicking through my sites looking for some pathetic little morsel to lame over.
PS - I noticed on your profile that you've spawned a couple useless brats. I'm sure you truly believe that the simplistic ability to get shit faced and knocked up by some ugly dumbfuck who couldn't figure out how to operate a condom, later leading to you shitting out two selfish fucked up brats to replace yourself with somehow makes you the ABSOLUTE authority on parenting, but really doesn't. The ability to have children does NOT make you a parent by default, it just makes you a vending machine...insert some'chunk...out comes a mini-you. Congratulations, you're now a fuckup with no idea how to raise kids. Next time do the world a favor and USE A FUCKING CONDOM you sloppy ass bitch.
Oh, I know how to raise kids, Little Man. (Neices and nephews. Wow. Guess that shows me.)
What's so terrible about your designs? Well, for one, the pallettes. Horrible. They look like mud. Two, the type. Clearly you have no training or you would know what fonts work on web pages and what fonts don't. Most of yours don't.
Neither do you understand line scans. There are only so many characters the eye can comfortably scan on a line, and you exceed that limit on almost every one of your pages.
Third, interactivity. You could turn out the pages you are "professionally" producing with the freeware in Office. Anyone who is paying you to design a website clearly doesn't know a fucking thing about what they're paying you for.
Finally, it's a simple matter of esthetics. Your pages are just butt ugly. But I can't fault you for that, as good taste is an inborn quality, and you can't acquire it, apparently.
How do I know all this? I hire designers and supervise their work for a living.
Seriously, go do something productive with your day. Like take a design course.
Mad Hatter,
Stop. You had me at Fuckwit...
No Leigh, you really don't know how to raise kids. I mean looking at your profile picture it's obvious that you can't even take care of yourself, let alone another living, breathing creature. Again, the ability to get knocked up and shit out a couple brats does NOT make you a parenting expert by default (just look at Britney). And in many cases it's the people who DON'T have children who in fact would make the BEST parents.
Also Leigh, you try and complain about the "palettes" I'm using on my sites...and yet every combination of colors I'm using falls under accepted color theory:
Also claiming that the colors look like mud doesn't really make any sense at all considering I hardly use any sort of brown or rust type colors in my sites. Most all my sites center heavily on blues and greens and tend to have very cool, breezy color composition.
As for bitching about the fonts...well, again, you run at the mouth real good, parroting bullshit you read from someone else, but you really don't know what the fuck you're talking about...because if you did you would be able to give some SPECIFIC examples of fonts that I'm using that "don't work". Free cl00, Retardo, most of my sites are using Arial, which is considered to be one the BEST fonts for use on the Internet. It should probably also be noted that I'm a reg of a Usenet group filled with dozens of ACTUAL designers, both professional and hobbyist and not a single one of them has EVER had anything bad to say about my use of fonts. You just "know it all" though, don't you Leigh?
Further, what the fuck are you talking about with "line scans"...presumably you mean LINE LENGTH...although that doesn't make much sense considering I use the standard 72 character setup on pretty much all of my sites. I suppose at this point it's highly probably that you haven't actually even BEEN to my sites at all. Take for example your comment about the Wedding Blog site and how you somehow confused my brother for me...even though the link to the site on Backwater VERY clearly states that I made it for MY BROTHER. If you missed something THAT obvious...yeah...obviously your powers of perception aren't very good.
It's also very laughable that you're trying to claim that my site designs could be replicated in Office. You obviously haven't a fuckin cl00, but hey, why don't you show us, Retardo. Go ahead and build a replicate version of one of my sites using nothing but the "freeware in Office"...I mean you CLAIM it's SO EASY and all and that ANYBODY can do let's see ya do it! Or is running at the mouth all the better you're capable of?
BTW, Dipshit, many of my sites are a combination of Flash (Actionscript), XML, CSS, PHP, VBScript, javascript and SQL...which certainly the fuck could not be replicated using some freeware program in Office. Further most of my sites rely heavily on 32bit alpha transparent image forms as well as split form image encoding techniques in order to maximize site efficiency and loading...and here's a free cl00 for ya, Retard...I'm one of the VERY few people on the planet who actually has that capability and understanding. Mostly because people like me are usually pretty rare (having expertise in both web coding and graphic design).
And as for your claiming that you "hire designers and supervise their work for a living"...LOL...oh I have NO doubt that you do, Sunshine. Free cl00, designers like me...we make fun of the morons like you:
Poor baby, did I hit a nerve?
You can't design. You suck! Your portfolio sucks ASS, Little Man! It wouldn't even get you into the lobby!
And your childish invective about my appearance? Go on, have at it. That's what you Usenet losers do--when you can't mount a coherent argument, you resort to personal attack.
Sad, sad little clown.
I rest my case.
HA! HAHAHA! Hilarious!
Oh, and it appears you're a stockboy at WalMart! Which TOTALLY qualifies you as a designer.
Oh, Matty, Matty.
I'm sorry for the mean things I said about you. I take them all back.
Yeah you hit the "nerve" that apparently makes me bitch slap you across your idiot face with reality. BTW, I really like how your posts have degenerated into screaming like a 3rd grader about how much I supposedly "suck". LOL, seems like I'm the one who a hit one of yer nerves, Kiddo. I guess maybe the reality that designers like me really think that the people like yourself are total fuckin retards when it comes to design and that 99% of the time we just placate you and your idiotic ideas. Of course not all designers will lower themselves to such a level. By allowing a third party like yourself to butt in and taint the work of a GOOD graphic designer with your dumbfuck, uneducated notions of design, they subject themselves to ruining their reputation as an artist by allowing morons like you to piss all over their work. Most designers of my level don't put up with dumbfucks like you. Basically you either leave the design process entirely up to us...or you can design it your damn self. After all, why in the fuck would you be hiring a designer in the first place if you weren't going to utilize their expertise to its fullest potential?
A "factual" history, huh? Boy I'm tellin ya, you must either be an uber dumbfuck or just REALLY desperate to try and "get back" at me if you believe any of that blatantly fabricated shit smear. Basically links like that are the direct result of morons like yourself who get verbally ass blistered with facts and then can't you start running around spreading a bunch of lies and bullshit for lack of a coherent argument. Fact is, retards like yourself just can't stand to lose, so when you get yer dumbass handed to you on a silver platter you just lose it completely and start lashing out in the most crazy, inane ways imaginable.
Also, Fumbles, I'm an inventory control specialist at Wal*Mart, which is hardly a "stockboy"...although as desperate as you are for a come back I can see as how you would like to believe such a fantasy. The funniest thing is I probably make more money at Wal*Mart than you do in whatever dead end cubical monkey position you happen to be fattening yourself in. The best part about Wal*Mart is definitely the stock matching programs. All my Wal*Mart stock is gonna make for a VERY nice retirement. Not to mention the bonuses, we get a $300 or so Christmas bonus in December as well as another $350 bonus for exceeding the quarterly estimates. Then of course there's the 10% discount on merchandise, the 20% discount on one item during December, the Sunday premium pay, the double time pay on holidays, getting full benefits even on a part time work workin at Wal*Mart is like one of the best jobs there is, you bumbling retard.
You REALLY should be so proud of yourself! You are an inspiration to all.
Are you "proud" of the fact that you NEED to hide your identity when posting online? What are you so afraid of, child?
I bet your Mommy is also proud of you.
Still hiding? Of course, as pathetic as you are, resorting to "mom lames" and all, I guess I can see why you have such a need to mask your identity...then again maybe you're just some fat faced ugly fucker whose too ashamed to let people online know who he is out of fear of ridicule.
In any case, your opinions and accusations are as worthless as the shit I wiped from my ass this morning. You see the only people whose opinions matter (to me) are those I respect and admire...and no, Bumbles, an anon posting fuckwit reaching for yo mama lames doesn't measure up.
$300 Christmas bonus? You're joking, right? Fr33 cl00, Matty: I give my housekeeper more than that at Christmas.
And what's this "inventory control specialist" bullshit? Doesn't WalMart use PDAs to track inventory through barcodes? It's all automatic. They're actually famous for being the first retailer to use scanning technology to control their inventory.
So I guess what you're saying is, you're the dweeb takes the inventory from the back and puts it on the shelves it runs out! Which would explain the $300 bonus.
Matty, you are something. Go on with your bad, ineffectual self there.
Inventory Control Specialist
Are you looking for Challenging Opportunities, Flexible Work Shifts, and Room for Advancement?
Wal*Mart in Monroe is currently seeking an Inventory Control Specialist.
Basic Responsibilities Include:
Accurately and efficiently stock merchandise in all departments
Unload merchandise from delivery trucks
Ensure accurate inventory controls
Communicate and respond effectively to customer questions
Demonstrate dependability and reliability by being punctual, working assigned shifts, and completing responsibilities in a timely manner
Wal*Mart offers:
Competitive Pay
Stock Purchase Plan
Associate Discount
I know this "mad hatter" guy personally. His real name is Craig Hartsburg. I went to school with him in Walla-Walla. He was twice hospitalized for unnamed psychiatric condition. He was really an oddball. He once had to take counselling because he was harassing a girl from school who showed him some interest. After reading his myspace profile, and the lack of visitor posts, I would assume his is still the bitter lonely man he was in school. Craig, you shouldn't be doing this kind of thing on the web. It's not good for you.
Did you hear? Apparently, you and I are the same person, and also responsible for the "Megan Had it Coming" blog. At least, according to the current internet circlejerk.
Lol internets. Serious fucking business.
LOL, yeah and apparently I'm some d00d named "Craig Hartsburg" now. It's amazing, the magixal powers of the minute you're you and then WOOSH! you're the product of someone's wishful thinking or delusional overcompensation for not being able to deal with reality. ^_^
To must be very young or very immature if you have such a need to get into a pissing contest over money. See most people who aren't completely fucking stupid understand things like "cost of living". For example here where I'm at in Walla Walla, Washington...very low cost of living (although all the stupid Californians moving in are driving up the housing market). Where as if you lived in some other place like say...Seattle, yeah, VERY high cost of living. Basically you can get a real nice apartment in Walla Walla for around $400 to $500 a month...where as you couldn't even get a fuckin dump in Seattle for less than a $1,000.
And no, fruit loop, I'm not the shelf stocker (although on occasion I certainly help the grocery associates well as anyone else...hell I even help out the guys who have to push in the carts, just cause I'm a nice guy). You're obviously a very shallow, prick minded, bitch though if have such an "I art holier than thou" attitude towards everyone who isn't making less than a $100,000 a year. See Cuppycake, you could be making all the money in the world at your job...and you'd never be happy. Where as me, hell I could be a fuckin garbage man and I'd *STILL* be happy as a clam...just cause that's the kinda guy I am. I don't associate self worth with what job you have...and I believe that those who do, like yourself, have no real sense of self worth, which is why you invest so much in pathetic acquisitions, most often only gained through sucking off upper management. Is that what you did, Leigh? Did you suck off your boss to get the job you have? Did you? LOL, it would certainly explain your attitude and lack of self worth, wouldn't it? ^_^
Oh Matty Matty. Yeah, how much you earn really does mean something. It means you're very good at something that has value in the world of business that few other people are very good at.
And you're right, I live in an area with a ridiculously high cost of living, but my god it's beautiful. Plus, my kids are very happy here so until they're out of school, at the earliest, I'm stuck. Oh well, I can afford it.
So anyway, to the point: I've pretty much got you figured out, Matty, so I'll be on my way now, but not before I leave you one last piece of motherly advice:
Taunting people on the Internet is not much of a life. It really isn't. For one thing, it clearly takes up WAY too much of your time, which would be far better spent improving your social and professional skills so that you could get out into the world and make some real friends or get a good job. Eventually, if you do that, you might meet someone, get married, have kids, which (one would hope) would get you a lot closer to understanding the agony of losing a child. I think then you might look back at yourself and think, "Jesus Christ, was I ever a dink. I'm truly ashamed of myself."
Honestly, Matty, I think it could happen. Right now, you're a frothing half-wit, but I truly see some potential there. Truly.
Best of luck to you, bud.
P.S. Seriously, lay off the Mt. Dew. The corn syrup alone will thrust you into Type 3 diabetes faster than you can say "change my diaper, mommy."
You sir, are quickly becoming my internet hero of the day. I share your opinions.
> Oh Matty Matty.
Matty is it? I didn't realize we were on a "pet name" basis with each other, Sugar Sprinkles.
> Yeah, how much you earn
> really does mean something.
To a...lesser, like yourself, I'm sure it means quite a lot.
> It means you're very good at something
Oh child you really are delusional. That's like claiming you can cure cancer if you can just throw enough money at it. There are also an endless fucking horde of drooling morons who climbed up the corporate ladder through ass slurping and favors (and using the work of others)...and yes, I'm sure for deficients like yourself you try and overcompensate for your incredible inadequacies by claiming that how much you're paid somehow equates to your level of ability. You're really nothing more than a poser class wannabe. You're so inept you couldn't even give a proper professional level critique of my websites and ~supposedly~ that's what your job is. LOL, in your messed up little world those who do any kind of charity work must be the dumbest fuckers on the planet, eh Sugar Sprinkles? Your type is usually also real good as stealing other peoples stuff and passing it off as your own.
> that has value in the world of
> business that few other people
> are very good at.
Well Sunshine, I'm not really making much at Wal*Mart, but I'd be willing to bet say...your entire yearly salary that I can take *ANY* site of your choosing and using my God Level web coding techniques and mastery of image encoding methodology to reduce the overall site size by at ~least~ 50% without ANY noticeable loss in quality.
What do you say, Mouth? Wanna put yer money where yer stupid is? LOL
Fact is Cuppy Cake...I'm pretty much one of the best there is. I've done shit in web coding that NO ONE has ever done before. And yeah, I do get all sorts of fancy job offers all the time...but they're all in the places that you like so much, you know, where it costs 3 or 4 million just to buy a decent house. See the fact is, Honey Bunny, I've done the fuckin math, and the bottom line is that for how much I'm getting paid at Wal*Mart (which is quite a lot) it's all relative...except for the fact that if I did move to say Seattle and took a web development job I'd essentially be wasting all my creative efforts on someone else's dreams and ideas.
See to me, it's not a's an art form. And artists, TRUE artists, who have an absolute mastery of their craft...very few concern themselves too much with "how much money" they long as they get to create what *THEY* want to.
I make a very decent living working at Wal*Mart in the Walla Walla area and the job provides me with a number of benefits, from stock matching, to exercise (a concept completely foreign to a cubical fatty like yourself) and best of all, after work, when I come home...NONE of my creativity has been burned out on someone else's ideas. That means I get to use ALL of my creative juices solely for my *OWN* projects and artistry.
...again though, a talentless fuck job like you has no comprehension of this at all. You have no real skill in any area, so it's not like anything you try could be considered artistic. So you have no want in that area, no desire. The only thing that's important to a lesser like you is trying to make MORE you can keep overcompensating. Thinking shit like, "Oh well I *MUST* be smart and good at this, cause otherwise I wouldn't be making *SO* much money!"
...afterwards the boss man "accidentally" drops his pen and asks you to come over and pick it up as he smiles at you like you're two dollar exotic dancer ready to give a personal lap dance. As you bend over you suddenly curse yourself under your breath for having worn such a short skirt.
Face it, Slots, your whole "career" is probably based primarily on how good your ass has looked in a mini-skirt.
> And you're right, I live in an area
> with a ridiculously high cost of
> living, but my god it's beautiful.
I'm sure there are no shortage of places just as nice where the cost of living is much lower...then again, if you have no level of ability, well, it's not as if you could just pack up and leave with a guarantee of getting a similar job to the one you have now (and paying as well)...well, I guess you could in theory, but you'd have to start all over...and let's face it, yer sex appeal has been seriously waning in the past few years, hasn't it?
> Plus, my kids are very happy here so until
> they're out of school, at the earliest,
> I'm stuck. Oh well, I can afford it.
In your materialistic world money really does buy happiness, huh? (or at least the delusion of it)
> So anyway, to the point: I've pretty
> much got you figured out, Matty,
Yeah I'm sure you think you do, child.
> so I'll be on my way now,
Yeah I'd shut myself the fuck up too and run away if I were as pathetic as you are.
> but not before I leave you one
> last piece of motherly advice:
Here's a piece of advice for you...whoring yourself out to the first piece of man meat you can find and spawning a few selfish, fucked up brats to replace yourself in NO WAY makes you a mother. Being a mother, or a father requires much more than the simplistic act of shitting out a baby, nine months after you got knocked up by some lowered expectation.
> Taunting people on the Internet
> is not much of a life.
This isn't life, Doorknob, it's ENTERTAINMENT. Although I can see how a dumbfuck like you would want to try and use the Internet as a substitute for the real world.
> It really isn't. For one thing, it clearly
> takes up WAY too much of your time,
This from the obsesso who replied to my last post in like...what was it, two seconds? LOL, yer dumbass must be sitting there banging yer head on the refresh key screaming in anticipation of my next post.
> which would be far better spent improving
> your social and professional skills so that
> you could get out into the world and make
> some real friends or get a good job.
I have real friends (which btw are NOT online) and I also have a good job, although I do find it very cute that someone of your...height, would be trying to give out such advice to others. I would never want a business to hire me for my ability to suck ass like you do (what you call "social and professional skills).
> Eventually, if you do that, you might
> meet someone, get married, have kids,
Sorry, but as I said, I'm an artist, I have talent, I can create...the only reason you've shit out some kids is because that's all you got, Sunshine. Your only ability as far as creation is to breed out a few "mini-me's" and hope that your carbon copy replacements will be slightly less pathetic than you were.
> which (one would hope) would get you
> a lot closer to understanding the agony
> of losing a child. I think then you might
> look back at yourself and think, "Jesus
> Christ, was I ever a dink. I'm truly
> ashamed of myself."
I will never be ashamed of stating the truth (no matter how harsh). And here's another free cl00 for ya, Dribbles...I've got a God daughter and three nephews. Of course, their parents as well as me and the rest of their family have raised them NOT to be crazy ass drama tards who want to kill themselves over meaningless insults on the Internet. In other words, the failure of parenting that led to Megan's death isn't exactly a concern of ours. If Megan had died in say a car crash or something I actually would be pretty sympathetic...but if yer kid goes and kills themselves of fucking Internet, I'm sorry, but that's just pathetic on a level I didn't even think was possible.
I love Beowulf
I'm sure you would, Anon. After all, he's only slightly less ignorant than yourself. Not that that's saying a lot... I've seen cattle outperform him on a good day.
Of course you love yourself, you're a narcissistic fuckwit whose so delusional and insecure that you need to go around creating sock puppets to support yourself.
Awwww, are you offended? Sooooo sorry about that. Really I am!
Spit in one hand, dream in the other, tell me whatcha got more of, Dipshit.
What is that? A masturbation reference?
Jeff, are you feeling intellectually threatened?
>What is that? A masturbation reference?
I guess when you're a tweenage muppet fuck, Barney rehab, Power Rangers generation ass loaf whose balls dropped just last Thursday...pretty much EVERYTHING is a "masturbation reference" to you, innt?
I was just asking what you meant, but since you brought it up, it is the only form of sexual gratification you can get, Virgin.
Wow, project stupid? I mean, hello, dumbass, YOU were the one who first brought up masturbation. Duh uh, look stupid now. *rolls eyes*
Not really
Anon, why would I feel threatened by my intellectual inferiors?
I don't feel threatened by anything
And you said it correctly, inferior
Sorry. I couldn't resist.
>>And yeah, I do get all sorts of fancy job offers all the time...but they're all in the places that you like so much, you know, where it costs 3 or 4 million just to buy a decent house.
Matty, honey. When I hire web guys, I don't actually care where they physically reside. These days, in the high tech industry, everything is done remotely. So, had you the requisite skills (which you don't) you could live in East Bumblefuck and it wouldn't matter. There goes your "math."
Take me, for example. I write for a living, and I never, ever EVER have to go into my office. Ever. I work exclusively from my home.
Also, were I to hire you (which I wouldn't) I couldn't give a rats ass how well you could compress a website, as I'd be hiring you to DESIGN a website, as all the compression and all that technical crap has already been predetermined. I would assume that you knew how to render a page so that it could be loaded quickly and easily (the purpose, of course, of compression); that goes without saying. And beyond that, I don't care.
Dead links? (Which, by the way, abound, it seems, in your "art") Would be a problem. Really lousy design? A problem.
But truthfully, we don't hire one-man operations because the sites we build are too big (hundreds of pages) for a one-man shop to pull off in the time frame we allot. We hire agencies.
And finally, Matty? There's a reason why jobs like stockboy at WalMart or fry guy at the DQ pay around $10 per hour. It's because pretty much anyone can do them. I earn a six-figure income because, as I said, very few people can do what I do.
Back to Megan, her parents and your brother's kids.
Depression is a condition. It has nothing to do with poor parenting. It has to do with how someone's brain is wired. Teenagers, who lack the maturity to have much perspective on their lives, are particularly susceptible to suicidal behavior, because they have a really hard time grasping that just because they feel like shit today doesn't mean they will feel like shit forever, because the adolescent brain is wired in such a way that rational, non-emotional thinking is difficult.
This is true for ANY teen, but especially girls. Megan was fragile, and an adult--knowing how fragile she was--manipulated her, humiliated her and hurt her, and those actions constituted a lit match to an already existing fuse. It's more than irresponsible, it's reprehensible.
But you aren't here to further the debate, or even gain some understanding of the issues at hand. You're here for the attention. As you are a young man, I genuinely have some concern about that--you strike me as at risk in much the same way that Megan was at risk.
So as an adult, I can't in good conscience, continue to bash on you. (It's called being "non-reactive," and it's what we parents learn to do when children are behaving obnoxiously in order to gain attention. Because children will seek ANY kind of attention to satisfy their needs--positive or negative.)
Matt, you have some issues. The evidence of that is easily to be found in your life. But they can be dealt with, I promise.
Real human relationships--based on mutual affection and respect--are very rewarding. Far more rewarding than the kind of gratuitously aggressive relationships you are currently investing yourself in on line.
Again, go outside. Make some friends. If you're truly interested in a career as a web designer, take some graphical design classes so you can learn what works and what doesn't. In ten years' time, you will have built yourself a life.
> Sorry. I couldn't resist.
You're a Hatter Addict, it's expected. Pathetics like you LOVE getting attention from me, even if it's negative, it doesn't matter, you HAVE to have more.
> Matty, honey. When I hire web guys, I don't actually care where they
> physically reside. These days, in the high tech industry, everything
> is done remotely.
See if you were ACTUALLY in the industry and not simply some rambling dumbfuck trying to play would realize you're humping cliche's of the late 90s.
Yes, at one time, before all the wannabes and dumbfucks like yourself abused everything, that was actually true...however since the bust...things are different these days. Companies are no longer gullible enough to hire people from halfway across the country that they've never even met before in real life. Companies have also learned the level of productivity from those who "work from home" and telecommute is far less than those working on site. There are other issues too, most of them stemming from lawsuits regarding unmonitored, unchecked business practices (for example how do you know if an employee is using a piece of pirated software). In fact many businesses won't even let you use your own personal laptop, simply out of liability issues regarding copyrighted content.
The other problem of course is consulting and collaboration. It is a known fact that upwards of 90% of communication is lost in a plain text environment. This is because we lose things like facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures, vocal inflection, etc. And obviously, in a business, communication is vital. And if your employees aren't managing better than 10%...well, you probably won't be in business for very long (a fact that many dot comers found out the hard way). Even with advances like video conferencing, you still lose so very much without that personal, one on one level of collaboration.
And again, you would know this...if you weren't simply bullshiting all of us. Fact is you probably work in fast food or something, which is why you have such gross misconceptions about how this industry currently operates.
> So, had you the requisite skills (which you don't)
LOL, there are only two kinds of people online...those who produce...and those who run at the mouth. Me, I produce...
You? Well, so far all you've done is run at the mouth. Let's see some of YOUR work, Bumbles! Oh, wait, you don't HAVE any work, do you? Not even an online portfolio. LOL
> you could live in East Bumblefuck and it wouldn't matter.
The fact that you don't know why it WOULD matter (all those points I brought up) PROVES that you're lying about yourself.
> There goes your "math."
It's not math, it's COMMUNICATION that you keep fumbling over, Dumbass.
> Take me, for example. I write for a living, and I never, ever EVER
> have to go into my office. Ever. I work exclusively from my home.
Oh you write for a living, huh? Gee, that's funny, you were claiming something COMPLETELY different not even two posts ago. Free cl00, Bumbles, self publishing some Sailor Moon fan fiction in your spare time doesn't make you a "writer" nor does it equate to a "job" or a "career". As I said, you likely work in fast food and all this shit you're spoutin off is just your wanton delusions and unrealistic dreams.
> Also, were I to hire you (which I wouldn't)
...funny how you think I would even be interested in doing any work for you. Free cl00, Spittles...unless you're accomplished, unless you're interesting, unless you produce, unless you mean nothing to me. And as I said, you can run at the mouth all you like...yer not convincing me (nor anyone else for that matter).
> I couldn't give a rats ass how well you could compress a website, as
> I'd be hiring you to DESIGN a website, as all the compression and all
> that technical crap has already been predetermined.
...thank you for explaining to everyone that you have absolutely no fuckin idea how web development even works.
In web development design and usability go hand in hand and they are ENTIRELY dependant upon one another. Only the one whose MAKING the designs can figure out the best way to "compress" them. Free cl00, Dipshit, "compressing" the overall size of the site/images is not all about what formats you use...well, unless you're an amateur. If you're a REAL Web developer you utilize split, stretched, replicated and stacked form image encoding techniques. Such techniques need to be configured at the graphic level AS you're building the site design in order to determine which layers are to be merged in what ways, how the images are to be split apart, what formats to use on each part, etc, etc, etc.
Take my blog for example. The whole design is made up of only the following:
> I would assume that you knew how to render a page so that it could be
> loaded quickly and easily (the purpose, of course, of compression);
> that goes without saying.
LOL, it really isn't that simple child. It's an art form, one that very few people on the planet have actually mastered. That's one of the reasons why there's no shortage of corporate sites out there that are horribly bloated or have other fairly major graphical fuckups in them.
> And beyond that, I don't care.
Of course you don't care, you're not running a business, you're not the one who has to pay the bills.
> Dead links? (Which, by the way, abound, it seems, in your "art")
What "dead links" would those be?
> Would be a problem. Really lousy design? A problem. But truthfully, we
> don't hire one-man operations because the sites we build are too big
> (hundreds of pages) for a one-man shop to pull off in the time frame
> we allot.
LOL, again, you have absolutely no comprehension of web development...well, at least not outside of what you gleaned from some Web Coding for Dummies handbook you bought last decade.
Most of the sites I currently design use a technique I've developed called God Level coding. They are dynamic, "living" sites, that change their own content accordingly, simulating hundreds of pages in just ONE page. Basically I create code...that creates and changes its own code as it's needed. After all, why make hundreds of pages when you can simply make ONE that has the ability to change its content?
> We hire agencies.
You get fucked in the ass. That's okay though, you don't know any better. ^_^
> And finally, Matty? There's a reason why jobs like stockboy at WalMart
> or fry guy at the DQ pay around $10 per hour. It's because pretty much
> anyone can do them.
Whose only making $10 an hour? Is that how much you get paid at your
job in fast food?
> I earn a six-figure income because, as I said, very few people can do
> what I do.
...well, let's see, you've claimed that you're a you're now essentially claiming that very few people can actually write...which is pretty odd, considering just how many writers there are out there, especially those of shit quality, like the kind of emo poetry writing tweenage muppet fucks you find littered all over Deviant Art these days. So unless you've won a Pulitzer or you've published some best selling novel...and you can actually prove it by posting the name of the book...yeah...yer nothin special kiddo, anyone with a high school education can likely do what you're doing (which is probably flipping burgers).
> Back to Megan, her parents and your brother's kids. Depression is a
> condition. It has nothing to do with poor parenting. It has to do with
> how someone's brain is wired.
LOL, you dumbfuck. If it ONLY had to do with "how your brain is wired" then you're essentially claiming that Megan was DESTINED to kill herself. While there is strong evidence which supports the THEORY that genetics play a role in our susceptibility to depression, what actually TRIGGERS the depression is ENVIRONMENTAL. In Megan's case that environmental trigger was found on a fake MySpace page. But Megan would not have had access *TO* that trigger if it were not for her parents giving her back Internet privileges (which they SHOULD NOT have done).
> Teenagers, who lack the maturity to have much perspective on their
> lives, are particularly susceptible to suicidal behavior, because they
> have a really hard time grasping that just because they feel like shit
> today doesn't mean they will feel like shit forever, because the
> adolescent brain is wired in such a way that rational, non-emotional
> thinking is difficult. This is true for ANY teen, but especially
> girls.
Using definitive based language (any, all, always, never) really shows off your ignorance and lack of comprehension...not to mention a lack of imagination as far as imagining possibilities.
> Megan was fragile,
Then why did her parents allow her to run around freely in such a volatile and hostile environment as the Internet?
> and an adult--knowing how fragile she
Did she? No evidence has been posted that would indicate that Lori was even aware of Megan's "problems" let alone the fact that she was suicidal.
> was--manipulated her, humiliated her and hurt her,
What Lori nothing compared to what I've done to people online:
...and what many others do. The harsh fact of reality that doorknobs like yourself are having a hard time facing is that Lori was actually safe guarding Megan and probably kept her alive for longer than she would have lasted without the "Josh" character to cling to.
The Internet simply is NOT a nice place and it's NO PLACE for emotionally fragile kids, especially not those who are suicidal.
> and those actions constituted a lit match to an already existing
> fuse.
A fuse that wouldn't have been there at all had her parents kept her off the Internet in the first place. If you fuck around with a hornets nest...yer gonna get stung. That doesn't mean that the bee's are at's their nature, it's what they do and ignorance is NOT a defense.
> It's more than irresponsible, it's reprehensible. But you aren't here
> to further the debate, or even gain some understanding of the issues
> at hand. You're here for the attention.
Project much? You're the one who keeps coming back here after you CLAIM you're going to take your wittle ball and go home. Face it kiddo, it's YOU who wants *MY* attention...not the other way around. I'd just assume all you deficient thinking retards kept yer idiot mouths shut and stopped smearing your idiocy all over my posts.
> As you are a young man, I genuinely have some concern about that--you
> strike me as at risk in much the same way that Megan was at risk.
Uh huh, sure kiddo. Will that be your NEXT excuse for trying to run away? Free cl00 for ya, Sweets, I've been online since, well, since people like you didn't even know what the Internet was. And in that decade+ long span I've been verbally attacked in ways that you can't even BEGIN to imagine...but it doesn't bother me, not in any way, it never has. In fact I've reached a level of self-actualization that's so high I can even insult myself. Watch.
I, Matthew Moulton, do officially declare that I am a donkey raping shit eater!
Okay, your turn! LOL, can't do it, can you? It's because you aren't evolved enough socially. In essence, you're much like the teenager you were describing earlier who can't comprehend that they aren't always going to feel bad. You see, to me, every single person I know, every single person I've ever met, every single person who even exists right now...will likely all be dead in around a 100 years...and when that happens, it's likely that none of them will be remembered for much of anything in the grand scheme of things...least of all whatever
fuckwitted, backward, small minded, ignorant NONpinions they have about me and my life. Simply put...their opinions have no relevance. And as such you can't really invest much emotion in something that's inconsequential at best.
> So as an adult, I can't in good conscience, continue to bash on you.
You'd have to START first before you could "continue", child.
> (It's called being "non-reactive," and it's what we parents learn to
> do when children are behaving obnoxiously in order to gain attention.
> Because children will seek ANY kind of attention to satisfy their
> needs--positive or negative.)
In the same way that YOU sought out *MY* blog and in the way that YOU can't stop replying to *MY* posts. You're the one seeking my attention...not the other way around.
As I said, I'd actually prefer it if you would just shut yer fuckin trap and quit molesting my threads with your idiocy.
Silly little Hatter Addicts like you ALWAYS think my replies are about cl00, doorknob, they're REALLY not. My readership is in NO WAY dependant upon the chromosomal deficient I'm talking with. All the better you can hope to do is provide yourself as a convenient soap box for me to present my word art. And if you do happen to take the stupidity to actually reply to one of my posts, well, you're most often merely the exclamation point to whatever point I'm making.
> Matt, you have some issues.
Yeah, what with how I don't take anything online seriously...*shudder*...such a ~scawy~ thought for you, huh Spittles?
> The evidence of that is easily to be found in your life.
Which might I remind you, you know absolutely NOTHING about. Duh uh, you mean the Interwebs doesn't count as "having a life"?!
> But they can be dealt with, I promise. Real human relationships--based
> on mutual affection and respect--are very rewarding.
They're even more rewarding when achieved IN THE REAL WORLD (I know from experience)...but then, I guess some tards like yourself are just too damn ugly and socially unacceptable for that to be an option, which is why you go online looking to substitute what you can't get in the real world like NORMAL people.
> Far more rewarding than the kind of gratuitously aggressive
> relationships you are currently investing yourself in on line.
As if I invest ANY of my TRUE self into any of my online CHARACTERS.
> Again, go outside. Make some friends.
Unlike you I'm not so emotionally unstable and fragmented that I calculate my self worth by the NUMBER of friends I have. I have a very close knit circle of friends IN THE REAL WORLD:
...and I focus more on the QUALITY of friendship rather than the
> If you're truly interested in a career as a web designer, take some
> graphical design classes so you can learn what works and what doesn't.
The last time I took a graphic design course was three years ago...and the instructor gave me an automatic A and passed me out of his class after he saw the work I had on my websites. Simply put, I'm so far outta yer league that you couldn't even fuckin BREATH on my level, Downs.
> In ten years' time,
You could invest the next ten years of your life trying to learn everything you can about graphic design and you still wouldn't even come anywhere near spitting distance to the level I'm *CURRENTLY* at.
> you will have built yourself a life. Best, Leigh
My life is already quite peachy actually, but I do think it's cute that you continually find yourself all wrapped up in worrying about how things are going for me...unfortunately for you I can't really reciprocate your feelings in the matter. Really, you could walk right out in front of a bus and kill yourself tomorrow and I'd completely forget about your entire existence within a week or so. Most often online I don't even take the bother to imagine the person I'm talking to as having a sense of self or individuality.
Oh Matty. You're such a moron. I won't tell you the name of the company I work for, but we're all about "collaboration," and changing the paradigm, and using the network so that it doesn't matter where you are, you still have access to all the resources of the company. I'm sitting here in my kitchen, connected to the company through my VPN, on my company laptop, and writing a story the CEO's recent presentation on our company's partnership with the PRC. I do have to go into the office on Monday, but only because my (company provided) laptop is getting upgraded and I have to physically plug into the network to ensure that all my files are transferred properly. But it will be the first time I set foot there in six months.
I know the whole tech industry seems weird and foreign and inscrutable to people like you, who work at Wal-Mart, but trust me, the way we work (remotely, with "anytime, anywhere" access) is the way most people will work in the near future. Unless, of course, it's your job to stack boxes. Then you do have to be onsite to get your job done.
So basically, you're talking out your ass again.
Hey, by the way? It looks as though you and your buddy Jeff might be in some legal shit for the "Megan Had It Coming" blog.
Hope your public defender is smarter than you are.
Basically on a subconscious level they know they're an evolutionary dead end that isn't fit to breed, so their genetics trigger an instability in their emotional state which causes them to crave
and yet, you are still here...
LMFAO! Your sites really are amateur shit!
Huge ass link buttons are so 1998.
The "Blog Style" webpage is 2003, at best.
Solid colours dominate the screen - one of them is in Porn-Site blue FFS!
Last time I saw sites that looked like the ones you designed for your clients, they were made with Geocities PageBuilder!
Worse, they are all designed the same way. Part of design is coming up with new ideas, not recycling old ones over and over.
As for Graphic Design. I did not see one real example of it there at all. I saw a couple a couple of jigged photos and a whole bunch of stock images - but not one actual attempt at print media design in there. Even the logos look like the work of
About the only thing in the graphic design section you have managed to prove is that you know how to make an image Grayscale. The Manips dont look natral, and I have no idea what you were trying to prove with the other two?
(Now is where you diferentiate between GRAPHIC design and WEB design - they have their own names for a reason)
Now, onto the lack of name on here. I could put Jane Smith of Singapore on here and you couldnt prove one way or the other, just like we have no proof you are "Matthew".
And I would give you a link to my companies site - Actual Graphic Design - but you have no reason to believe thats mine either.
And based on your previous posts - doing so would be utterly pointless anyway because you wouldnt believe it anyway and instead go on with the usual childish diatribe that you charmed Leigh with.
Have fun "tearing this apart" in yet another attempt at defending yourself. Thats all it is. Attack the poster, say they are full of shit, because its important everyone think big of me.
You are just another keyboard warrior. Legend in your own lunchbox - nothing more.
I actually pity you.
Legend in your own lunchbox - nothing more.
Ha! I like that!
What's interesting is that Matty is probably the troll behind the "Megan Had it Coming" blog in the first place, and there's noise out there that the Drews have the basis for a HUGE lawsuit.
Wouldn't that be fun? I'm totally following the developments here.
> Oh Matty.
Oh Spittles.
> You're such a moron.
The primary difference between us is that I have no problems at all PROVING you're a, well you just sorta run around talkin shit for lack of a coherent counter argument.
> I won't tell you the name
> of the company I work for,
Well, no, of course you won't...because it's McDonalds! LOL
> but we're all about
> "collaboration," and
> changing the paradigm,
Wow, could you ~possibly~ make that sound any more cliche and generic? I'm surprised you didn't throw in the old, "We're thinking outside the box."
> and using the network so that it
> doesn't matter where you are, you
> still have access to all the
> resources of the company.
...which again is an OBVIOUS fantasy since such a setup would leave your business completely open and vulnerable. Even businesses that do have mobile VPNs and such won't allow access from such connections to ALL of its resources, because if they did, well, like I said, that's just askin to get butt raped.
> I'm sitting here in my kitchen,
> connected to the company through
> my VPN, on my company laptop, and
> writing a story the CEO's recent
> presentation on our company's
> partnership with the PRC.
Hopefully your "writing ability" extends beyond such banal technobabble like "paradigms" and "multi-tasking". You want to learn a new one? Try this on for size...simul-tasking. Ya like that? It's where you accomplish multiple goals with one action, which is superior to multi-tasking in which you're taking multiple actions to accomplish multiple goals.
> I do have to go into the office
> on Monday, but only because my
> (company provided) laptop is
> getting upgraded and I have to
> physically plug into the network
> to ensure that all my files are
> transferred properly. But it
> will be the first time I set
> foot there in six months.
...funny, didn't you JUST SAY that you had access to ALL of your companies resources? Tsch, tsch, tsch...contradicting yourself already, eh?
> I know the whole tech industry seems
> weird and foreign and inscrutable to
> people like you, who work at Wal-Mart,
> but trust me, the way we work
> (remotely, with "anytime, anywhere"
> access) is the way most people will
> work in the near future. Unless, of
> course, it's your job to stack boxes.
> Then you do have to be onsite to get
> your job done.
You seem to keep skipping over the fact that, unlike you, I actually *DO* work in the tech industry (on a whole variety of levels). And unless you're talking about contract work, the preference is always "in house". Even working on contract my clients often prefer meeting me in real life PRIOR to doing the job. And unlike you and your dribbling little wet dreams, I've actually done quite a number of notable things. Like a year or so ago I created a stand alone Flash application for the White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation:
And recently I did some raster to vector/raster hybrid conversion work for a bill board ad:
A technique that's far beyond the ability of most graphic designers who are usually stuck working in just one form (raster or vector).
> So basically, you're talking
> out your ass again.
This from the fruit loop who can't keep from talkin shit with nothing but hot air and flatulence to back herself up with. Like I said, you probably work at McDonalds (which is why you can't tell us the name of the company you work for) and even if that was a plausible excuse (which it's not) you would STILL be able to provide examples of your work in the form of portfolio work and personal projects. And if you're claiming you don't have any...yeah...pretty telling.
> Hey, by the way?
I've never known a writer who needed a copy editor as badly as you do.
> It looks as though you and your
> buddy Jeff might be in some legal
> shit for the "Megan Had It Coming"
> blog.
*pats you on the head*
Sure we are, Sweety, sure we are. I have no doubt that the list of ever growing "e-lawyers" (read 12 year old girls) is frothing at the mouth with hollow accusations and empty threats...however those, a lawsuit does not make.
Besides which, I'd actually ~love~ to get sued over something so easily winnable like that, as it would give me a perfect opportunity to speak out about the Internet to all the idiot doorknob RLs like yourself who don't comprehend how the Internet works.
> Hope your public defender is
> smarter than you are.
Hope your delusional fantasy isn't all you have left (otherwise you might make like Megan and suddenly off yourself when you're hit real hard with reality).
BTW, wasn't your dumbass running away? What's wrong, Spittles, couldn't figure out how to get yer fat ass out the door? Or maybe you just started to have Hatter withdrawal. LOL
> and yet, you are still here...
Makes you angry inside, doesn't it? `, )
I think I'll call you...Giggles.
> Your sites really are amateur shit!
But tell us all how you REALLY feel about me.
> Huge ass link buttons are so 1998.! Were you even ON the Internet in 1998? Did you even know what the Internet WAS in 1998? Nah, didn't think so. Further, having "huge ass" link buttons is actually considered an aspect of GOOD design (it always has), especially when you figure on users with larger resolutions. Perhaps though you're just especially fucking stupid and haven't been able to figure out how to set your resolution to anything higher than 640x480, cause that'd sure explain your failed attempt at a come back. I guess in Retard World where you live the idea is to make all the nav links as tiny as possible in order to ensure that NO ONE will be able to navigate through your site. *nods*
...oh wait, you don't HAVE a site, do you?
> The "Blog Style" webpage is 2003, at best. what way? I mean, that doesn't the fuck even make any all. I mean you might just as well be claiming that it looks 1352, or any other random number you wanna pull out of yer ass. There was NO particular popular design style that came out of the year 2003...nor the year 1998 for that matter, but then I think it's pretty obvious that you're just pulling shit out of yer ass and trying to pretend like you have an argument.
> Solid colours dominate the screen
Yeah I should make my sites look more like this, huh:
That's the kind of style *YOU* like, innt? ^_^
> - one of them is in Porn-Site blue FFS!
You know what you should do to help yourself realize how fuckin stupid you are...go on Google, right now...and go search for the phrase "porn-site blue"...then try and find the first link you can that references it in the way that you're attempting to. cl00, Dipshit, yer gonna be searching for a LOOOOONG damn ass time. *nods*
Now, maybe if you weren't just fumbling retard without a clue you would know a little something about COLOR THEORY and if you had any such knowledge you would know that blue would actually be one of the WORST colors you could pick as it generally gives a calm, cool, clean feeling. Where as with a porn site you normally want to try and invoke heat, passion, dirtiness, etc. Which is why RED is so often used for porn sites (along with yellows and oranges). And then further, black is also commonly used on porn sites in order to better contrast the red which doesn't look so good on white.
So, again, if you weren't just some bumbling wannabe poser class dipshit you SHOULD have tried to critique my use of black backgrounds as a parallel to porn sites. Granted your argument would still fall apart since I'm not real keen on using reds/yellows/oranges, but at least you wouldn't look like a ~complete~ fucking retard.
> Last time I saw sites that looked
> like the ones you designed for
> your clients, they were made with
> Geocities PageBuilder!
Let's see you provide a link to even ONE Geoshities site that resembles ANYTHING I've done. Oh, yeah, you CAN'T, sorry, I forgot for a second that you were a fuckin retard. `, )
> Worse, they are all designed the
> same way. Part of design is coming
> up with new ideas, not recycling
> old ones over and over.
Which is pretty ironic in that my designs vary greatly from site to site. But then I suppose you're just like a racist going around claiming that all black people look the same, huh? I'm sure from your very limited perspective all my site designs do look similar, but then you're so blinded by the rage of wanting to "get back" at me, I guess it really doesn't much matter either way.
> As for Graphic Design. I did not
> see one real example of it there
> at all.
And you of course are the foremost EXPERT on graphic design, huh Professor Dipshit?
> I saw a couple a couple of jigged photos
Stutter much? Maybe if you stopped stuttering everything wouldn't look jiggled to you, Ass Face.
> and a whole bunch of stock images
Again ironic considering there aren't ANY stock images used on ANY of my sites. The problem with a wantwit like yourself is that you've read other peoples critiques of websites and you gleaned all this shit off 'em, but the problem haven't the slightest fuckin cl00 as to what ANY of it even means.
> - but not one actual attempt
> at print media design in there.
Here ya go, Bumbles, teeth on this for awhile:
Or this:
Or this:
...your turn now, Giggles!
Oh, wait, that's right, yer just some poser class dipshit, you don't actually HAVE any examples of work that you've done (because you're a talentless, wannabe, shit stain).
> Even the logos look like
> the work of
If that were true it should be VERY easy for you to reproduce any of them using that site. So let's see 'em, Mouth! Oh, hey, guess what, this is where you get to FEEL STUPID again. ^_^
> About the only thing in the
> graphic design section you
> have managed to prove is that
> you know how to make an image
> Grayscale.
Translation: Given your incredibly deficient comprehension of graphic design that's the only "technique" you could even recognize.
> The Manips dont look natral,
Ironic in that most people, when presented with my pastie work:
...often can't even tell which is the original and which is the edit.
> and I have no idea what you were
> trying to prove with the other two?
That certainly doesn't come as a surprise. Free cl00, Dipshit, not all of us are angsty tweenage emo muppet fucks like yourself constantly trying to "prove" something. *snicker*
> (Now is where you diferentiate
> between GRAPHIC design and WEB
> design - they have their own
> names for a reason)
You can't have web design without graphic design you halfass trainable. On the other hand you don't need web design for graphic design. Amazing how that works, isn't it Giggles?
> Now, onto the lack of name on
> here. I could put Jane Smith
> of Singapore on here and you
> couldnt prove one way or the
> other, just like we have no
> proof you are "Matthew".
You presume too much, child...and it's going to get you into trouble sooner rather than later (as it has for many others). Anonymity on the Internet only goes so far and really, the more you type, the more you expose yourself. The only ones online who are TRULY anonymous are the ones who never say anything.
And there's plenty of "proof" regarding those who don't hide like cowards. For one, my domain WHOIS, which, without my actual name and address, would be shut down (although there are some ways to keep the info confidential if you really want...making up names/addresses however is NOT one of the ways). There's also all the pictures, making me easily identifiable, especially since, again, my address is public. How many people in this area do you think go around wearing dark blue tinted glasses? Yeah, not really anyone besides me, you moron.
The other trick of it is that your actual identity isn't needed to prove your level of skill. If you post a domain addy that has work you've done...well, you should be able to make updates to that domain, upload new content, alter existing content, etc. If you CAN'T...well obviously you're lying, Dipshit.
> And I would give you a link
> to my companies site - Actual
> Graphic Design - but you have
> no reason to believe thats
> mine either.
Well it's up to your stupid ass to PROVE it's yours, you dumbass. For example, if you're claiming to be the one who created the design for your companies website...well you should still have all the layered source files. So either you can put them up and link to them...or you're a liar. It's as simple as that.
> And based on your previous
> posts - doing so would be
> utterly pointless anyway
> because you wouldnt believe
> it anyway and instead go on
> with the usual childish
> diatribe that you charmed
> Leigh with.
Um, hello, retard, Leigh NEVER posted any links to work that she had supposedly done. Dur er, think slow now, Dipshit. The fact of the matter don't want to show off any of your work...cause you know I'll rip it all apart in ways that'll make you all butt hurtz and crying.
My reputation for doing that is practically legendary. As is my favorite technique in these debates...where I recreate your entire site from scratch, reverse engineering your graphic content and recoding your entire sloppy shit mess. It usually never takes me more than a day to do it and the results are soundly bitch slapping to say the least. On average the sites I rebuild wind up with a 50 to 70% reduction in overall site size. They load faster, the graphics look cleaner, they function more efficiently and, best of all, the speed at which I produce them makes you look like a fumbling amateur at best (which you are).
> Have fun "tearing this apart"
As if it took any effort in your case.
> in yet another attempt
> at defending yourself.
What you call "defending" I call "mocking your stupidity for the entertainment of others".
> Thats all it is. Attack the poster,
> say they are full of shit, because
> its important everyone think big of me.
Explaining yourself to us now, are you?
> You are just another keyboard warrior.
Sorry kiddo, I'm not into online role playing.
> Legend in your own lunchbox - nothing more.
As was told to the previous poster, the last major job I did was featured at the White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation...what was the last major job YOU did, Dipshit? Probably took a few scrap booking classes and made yer mom a Keeristmas card, huh kiddo? *snicker*
> I actually pity you.
Is this what your therapist tells you?
It's funny. We've never encountered each other on the internets before this, and yet people just KNOW we've collaborated to put together the Megan Had It Coming Happy Fun Time Memorial Circle Jerk.
It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Julia sends her love, btw.
the last major job I did was featured at the White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation...
Yep. Matty made sure there was toilet paper in all the men's rooms.
I see you've been reduced to pathetic one liners. Honestly, why do you even try at this point? You know it's just going to mean another slap in the face. Maybe you like it though, huh? Do you? Do you like getting smacked around? Is that how your daddy did it to you?
You honestly think your childish ranting constitutes slapping me around?
Dude, you are the pinata of the Internet!
Just who is it that you're trying to convince, child? And way to project there regarding the "childish ranting", that really sums up your failing little attempt at a comeback. Face it kiddo, you talked a bunch of shit, then every point you had was soundly ripped apart to the point where you snipped and ran like a pathetic coward, too weak to defend yourself and resorting to classist toilet humor (literarily) as your only recourse. At this point you're like a trapped animal that's shitting itself in fear as a last resort, hoping its putrid smell will drive away its attacker. In your case you're hoping your banal, piss dribble stained one liners will make me lose interest in you and let you go free.
Oh yes, Matty, that's it! I'm terrified of you. That's why I keep coming back here to taunt you.
Actually, I'm really here just to see what you'll say when you get the "Cease & Desist" from the Drews' attorney.
Truly, I think you have no idea how much trouble your "social engineering" has gotten you into this time, Matty.
Leigh, I hate to piss in your Kool-Aid (not rly lol), but the odds that Onideus Mad Hatter authored the Megan Had It Coming blog are pretty low. I'd wager that the odds of a homosexual man giving birth to triplets would be higher.
Neither am I the author of the blog, because, if you had read a single word I wrote, you would have realized that, unlike certain people, I am not a complete moron
I have a guess as to who the author of the blog is, but I will retain that information.
> Oh yes, Matty, that's it!
> I'm terrified of you.
> That's why I keep coming
> back here to taunt you.
Look Sparkles, I'll let you in on a little sekrat here...everyone knows you're full of shit. How do they know? Because of the way you reply, the way you continually contradict yourself looking for the "win". It's important to you, isn't it? You want to "win" more than anything. First you thought you could "win" in a technical got pwned...real bad. Then you thought you could "win" by calling me a got bitch slapped for it. Then you thought you could "win" by playing the "I art holier than thou" card and making the claim that I'm just seeking got fucked up the ass for that one. And now you think you can "win" by trying to claim that you're just here for the entertainment, "taunting" me for fail again, Spittles.
See the thing of it is, the reason WHY you can't "win" because I'm not trying to. And every time you try, well, you wind up looking like a special Olympics contestant.
I've been playing this little "game" for a long, long, LOOONG damn ass time, Kiddo...and I know all the moves, all the comebacks, all the backpedals, all the ways to "win" and all the ways to counter all those attempts, bringing each back full circle...again and again.
You might think of it as virtual bull fighting, with me continually waving a red flag in front of you and getting you to charge at nothing for the entertainment value of it.
The neat trick about me though is that I can take things out of you during the course. Aspects of your experience (however limited) will become mine and the more I take out of you the more you'll become a Hatter Addict. Until you have absolutely nothing left at all except for the unending desire to try and "get back" at me (which you can't ever do).
For those who have studied my history it's very disturbingly obvious. Every time I've ever come across someone with some measurable level of skill in some area and then attacked them...well like magic suddenly the level at which I was designing and creating things jumped significantly. See when I want to learn something new I don't bother reading a book, I just find the nearest doorknob with substantial experience in that field...and then I take it from them. `, )
Coincidentally don't have much of anything. And what level of writing ability you did have...didn't really add much to what I already had. *shrugs*
> Actually, I'm really here just to
> see what you'll say when you get
> the "Cease & Desist" from the
> Drews' attorney.
> Truly, I think you have no idea
> how much trouble your "social
> engineering" has gotten you into
> this time, Matty.
You really are living in a bubble of stupid, aren't you? But then, one can't really blame you, I mean what with how much you NEED to "get back" at me...for taking what you once had. LOL Don't be too broken up about it though, I said, you didn't have much.
You really require a doctor, and soon.
Matty, you do realize I don't actually read any of your thousand-paragraph diatribes, right?
Carry on trolling. Like I said, I'm just here for the after party.
I love the way you NEED to try and explain and justify yourself to me like that, it's very telling.
> You really require a doctor, and soon.
Thanks for the tip FATnonymous. Any more pearls of idiocy you'd like to share with all of us?
Huh, not sure where you get that, but the only thing my posts could possibly be telling you is that you're a bit of a freak show.
Oh my, Matty. It's worse than I thought. Not only are you wide open to a civil suit, looks like there might be criminal charges as well!
I love e-lawyers.
Leigh, in the real world, prosecutors and attorneys rely on actual facts, not circumstantial evidence and say-so.
The prosecutors and lawyers will NOT begin their "investigation" by listening to fuckwits say "HE DID IT! HE DID IT!". No, they'll start by sending subpeonas and cease-and-desist letters to Google, and to the ISP that turns up when that evidence has been procured.
The evidence that the blog was authored my Onideous Mad Hatter is about as strong as the evidence that pigs will one day fly through the frozen regions of Hell.
We'll see, won't we, Jeff?
LOL, you dumbfuck, first of all, even if I had written the article (at this point I actually really wish I had been the one) it wouldn't matter since at NO POINT in the article did they EVER claim to be the Drew's or related to the Drew's or anything like that. The accusations that it was the Drew's came from fuckwitted moron like YOU Leigh, which means, if anyone is really guilty of trying to portray the Drew's in a negative's your dumbass. In fact, my actions along with the actions of Jeff and a couple others were the ONLY one's who were in direct opposition of the idiot masses who were claiming it was the Drew's who wrote the blog.
So pretty much unless they want to try and sue about three dozen or so morons for being utterly fucking retarded and popping off at the stupid and claiming (with no facts and no evidence) that it was the Drew's...yeah...think slow now, Cuppycake, don't hurt yourself.
Matty, if you weren't the "mastermind" behind the MHIC blog (and frankly, I would have no trouble believing you weren't, mostly because of the "master" and the "mind" components) then you have nothing to worry about.
Except for the fact that it should stand as something of a cautionary tale. There but for the "assholic lapse in who-has-money-to-hire-a-lawyer-judgment" go I, for example.
But really? I do so hope it was you. I really do.
Mattie, are you having a temper tantrum?
> Matty,
> if you weren't the "mastermind"
> behind the MHIC blog
You're just like a dog with a bone...
> (and frankly, I would have no
> trouble believing you weren't,
Except for the fact that you so desperately want to try and "get back" at me, for humiliating you "professionally" (and I use that term VERY loosely considering what a poser class dipshit you are).
> mostly because of the "master"
> and the "mind" components)
*rim shot*
I can tell you spent a LONG time coming up with THAT one. Honestly, what masterful wit you have! You are *SUCH* an accomplished writer. I mean what with how about you wrote essays in high school English, maybe that counts.
> then you have nothing to worry about.
I wouldn't have anything to worry about either way you fuckin retard. LOL, you're exactly like all those 12 year old tweenage muppet fucks who were screaming and frothing on about how they just KNEW that Lori was going to go to jail, be sued, get the death sentence, etc, etc, etc. Only to be bitch slapped with reality a few days afterward when the prosecuting attorney couldn't come up with jack fuckin shit to make a case. It's the same deal here...and it'll be the same deal again and again and again. That's the problem with you Webbie and RL just, you just don't get it. This place...the's not fucking real! I mean I know yer pathetic and your real life doesn't go so well so you retard onto the grid looking to compensate...but all your wanton projection amounts to little more than blundering shit smeared across the lawn. You can't sue people for trolling, you can't get people arrested for calling you names and you can't make people go to jail for hurting your feelings...the only thing you can do is...log off...or BITCH! And quite frankly, the people like me...we're hoping you don't have enough sense to log off, cause yer pretty much this weeks entertainment package.
> Except for the fact that it should
> stand as something of a cautionary tale.
How ironic that you haven't even enough sense to realize that, that's the role retards like YOU are serving in this story. You're really nothing more than a convenient warning sign to everyone else, practically wearing a giant fuckin sign that says, "DON'T POST LIKE ME! CAUSE I'M A RETARD!"
> But really? I do so hope
> it was you. I really do.
Yeah, yer butt hurtz over being verbally humiliated is more than obvious at this point, Lil Miss Wants Revenge.
FATnonymous - sorry, no fatties allowed, you'll have to leave my blog post.
Ooo...that's actually a good idea. Maybe I'll just start arbitrarily deleting anon posts. I'll make that the new rule...people who post anon aren't allowed to have opinions.
Anon, that was your mother, calling me.
Please learn to distinguish.
My Mother has taste
Sorry FATnonymous, but fatties aren't allowed to have opinions on my blog.
Started moderating the posts? Did I hit a nerve? Oh so sorry bout that. Really I am.
My Mother has taste
Obviously not. One would have to wonder what type of donkey she would have had to sleep with in order to shit you out nine months later.
Poor Heather, all crying and butthurtz cause that mean 'ol Mad Hatter won't let her fat ass post anon. LOL, what's the matter baby, don't want anyone online to see yer diapers showing when you snit?
Sure, I have nothing to hide. Do you Mattie?
Matty, you're right. Being an anonymous dick on the Internet won't get you arrested, but you might want to look into libel and slander law.
Also, you (or whoever it was) went seriously awry in your trolling when you claimed to actually be Lori Drew.
Every time I've ever come across someone with some measurable level of skill in some area and then attacked them...well like magic suddenly the level at which I was designing and creating things jumped significantly. See when I want to learn something new I don't bother reading a book, I just find the nearest doorknob with substantial experience in that field...and then I take it from them.
Huh. That's actually bordering on the clinically insane.
Hi Matty, it's me--your pal Leigh. Why won't you let me post here anymore? Did I hurt your feelings?
> That's actually bordering
> on the clinically insane.
LOL, ironic in that it wasn't even me who originally came up with the claim. The ones claiming it are the same ones who run around screaming that I'm the full embodiment of the anti-Christ.
In any case, it's a fun aspect of my character...and there is quite a bit of substantial evidence to support the claim, so I don't have any problems playing the part.
> Matty, you're right. Being an
> anonymous dick on the Internet
> won't get you arrested, but
> you might want to look into
> libel and slander law. Also,
> you (or whoever it was) went
> seriously awry in your
> trolling when you claimed to
> actually be Lori Drew.
You foolish really understand so very little. One can claim slander and libel all they like, but thanks to good 'ol Larry Flint, there's a little something called SATIRE. Which allows you to say...pretty much whatever the fuck you like about long as you're doing it for the lulz.
I've also actually had someone try to sue me before, but the best they were able to get out of it was a warning label:
Also, I don't recall the original poster ever claiming to be Lori Drew and if it was claimed later in the thread...well how do you know it really WAS the original poster and not simply a copycat/fake artist? Even *I* was forged a couple times in that thread.
> Hi Matty, it's me--your pal Leigh.
> Why won't you let me post here
> anymore? Did I hurt your feelings?
You want *SO* badly to believe that, don't you? Is like your only purpose for living at this point. LOL
> Sure, I have nothing to
> hide. Do you Mattie?
If you have nothing to hide, Heather...why don't you post your full name, number, home address, etc? I mean, *I'VE* posted *MY* personal if you can't...well, obvious you *DO* have something to hide, don't you? `, )
From what I remember in Journalism 101, the HUSTLER parody in question concerned Jerry Falwell giving it to his mother in an outhouse. The case was dismissed, because the story, although crude, was obviously a satire, because in no way could it be mistaken for the truth. (It was also identified as such within the issue itself.)
"Megan Had It Coming" doesn't fall under satire.
You have to prove intent. Anyone can sue anybody, whether they claim it's satire or they don't. Even if you claim it is satire you could still get sued and lose if the other party can prove that slander/libel was the actual intent. It's not a black and white issue and isn't really a question of legal or illegal, it simply comes down suing people. Even if your intent was entirely for satire you could wind up with some ass faced judge with a personal vendetta who would rule against you...but then, that's why there's appeals.
In a case like this, it likely won't ever get that far. I think it's more than obvious that the blog was written by some tweenage muppet fuck at Megan's school...possibly one of the same tweenage muppet fucks from Megan's school who got ahold of the username/password of the "Josh" account and used it to "attack" her. As I've said from the beginning, it's very unlikely that Lori Drew was ever even involved with what happened. At worse I think maybe her daughter might have been a little foolish and maybe gave out the account details to some of the kids at school, who then ganged up on her using the account, unbeknownst to Lori Drew.
Really, if ANYONE deserves to be sued by the Drew's it's the Miers, since they were the ones who went around in the media actively looking to slander and accuse them. They are the sole source of everything that has transpired over the past few months and ALL of the conceptions and opinions that were developed over the course came DIRECTLY from the information that the Miers claimed was fact.
Even if the poster of that blog did claim that they were Lori Drew, they could very easily claim that their stance came DIRECTLY from information and media that was supplied by the Miers that THEY claimed was factual.
Actually, the Meiers didn't out Lori Drew. The mother of a child who participated in the "Josh" profile outed her. The Meiers (on the advice of their attorney) specifically did NOT name Drew.
The "Megan Had it Coming" blog, as I said before, slipped over into the land of libel and slander the second someone posted as Drew. Whoever wrote the blog (and if you didn't, you have nothing to worry about, Matty) impersonated Drew, made statements that were potentially very damaging, and incited the ill-will of readers--which could potentially include anyone with access to the Internet. (That would meet the "widely published" criterion of libel and slander.)
Since it's arguable that Drew is not a public figure, I think it would have to be slander. But if she is deemed to be a public figure as a result of all the publicity, then it's libel.
In addition, the writer of the blog slandered Megan, which would give the Meiers good cause for a suit as well.
All they have to do is get it into court. I think a jury would be VERY sympathetic.
And what's with the moderated comments, Matty? Are ya chicken? Or what?
Er, Hatter, "Kristen" did post a blog entry on the 4th claiming to be Lori Drew. Not a comment - a new entry.
The comments on that entry passed 3500 in less than week. And then the blog author took everything down and posted a new entry, demonstrating that he did it for the lulz.
If you have nothing to hide, Heather...why don't you post your full name, number, home address, etc? I mean, *I'VE* posted *MY* personal if you can't...well, obvious you *DO* have something to hide, don't you? `, )
Why? So I can get junk mail? I don't think so.
Matty, don't you live in Oregon?
NEW: Drew seeks to have blog shut down
Family issues statement in Megan Meier case
By Steve Pokin
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:03 AM CST
Lori Drew has complained to Google and is trying to shut down what many believe to be yet another Internet hoax - the blog Megan Had It Coming, according to attorney James L. Briscoe.
A person claiming to be "Lori Drew" posted on Megan Had It Coming that she was behind the inflammatory blog that plays off the suicide of a 13-year-old girl.
Megan Meier, of Dardenne Prairie, took her life in October 2006 after being the victim of a MySpace hoax involving adult neighbors Curt and Lori Drew.Briscoe represents the Drew family. Briscoe wrote to the Journal, "Contrary to the statement by Randy Bierce of 'Death by a 1000 Papercuts' I found that it is not as easy to have a blog shut down with the click of a button."
Bierce had been quoted in a Dec. 9 Pokin Around column that the real Lori Drew would have been able to shut down the blog, if she wanted, with the click of a button.
Bierce, at the time, also said he and his coworkers were split as to whether they believed the real Lori Drew was behind "Megan Had It Coming."
On Monday Bierce said he is now certain the blog was a hoax, possibly by a man in Oregon, and that Lori Drew was not involved.
The St. Charles County Sheriff's Department is investigating who is really behind it.
No Leigh, sorry, it's not slander or libel, it's plain and simple trolling. See it can't be considered lible or slander because nothing online is meant to be taken seriously. Further, the act of UPA and IPA (Usenet and Internet performance art) has been around for literarily DECADES and it is one of the longest standing traditions in Internet history. Just because YOUR ignorant to the nature of our society doesn't mean you can inflict your small minded little NONpinions on *MY* culture.
Further, the general public opinion expressed on that blog was ALREADY formed PRIOR to its creation, meaning that the blog itself didn't CAUSE the hatred so much as it just gave it a place to gather and speak out.
If you really think anything is going to come of this though, as in somebody getting sued for a blog...yer deluding yourself...big time. But hey, it's not like your misconceptions are new, I've seen quite literarily HUNDREDS of moron just like you screaming at the top of yer wee lil Webbie lungs DEMANDING that there will be lawsuits and "justice" and whatever other kind of inane bullshit you CSI watching couch "lawyers" can come up with.
Simply're full of shit. Don't worry though, reality *WILL* bitch slap you in the end...of course you might have numbed yourself to the point where it won't even penetrate your blissful delusions; like with the Linux nuts who keep on screaming about how they're FINALLY gonna bring down Windows...any day now...any day...seriously it could be any day...maybe tomorrow...okay maybe on *WILL* happen... never does though...never will either.
Heather - I post my address all the fuck over the place online with pretty much half the gawd damn Internet hating my fucking guts and I don't EVER get any junk mail outside of the normal fare of credit card offers (and that's mostly cause I have such high credit). The only mailing I ever got pertaining to the Internet was when one of the PoE kids bought and sent me a book from
Good morning Matty.
So cute this whole "Internet cannot be taken seriously" thing. It's like, if you say it often enough, you believe it might actually come true!
And just because the laws haven't yet caught up doesn't mean they won't. In fact, they're catching up as we speak. Or type. Whatever.
A couple of cases have already determined that the ISP (in this case, Google) cannot be considered a "publisher" of the information posted through the Google blog pages in the traditional, legal sense, as Google (or AOL, or whatever entity) does not monitor that information prior to publication--or ever, really. (The TOS can't be considered moderation in any legal sense.)
What that means, in effect, is that individuals are soley responsible for the content they post on line.
And individuals are being held legally accountable for what they post. There have been a couple of defamation suits (go Google them) in the courts over the last decade or so, and Perez Hilton gets sued regularly.
In order to be considered defamatory, a statement must be A) untrue, B) damaging in a real sense, and C) the injured party must be able to prove that the alleged defamer knew the statement or statements to be untrue.
For example, Matty, if I were to put on a sandwich board that read "Matty Moulton is a diaper-wearing pedophile" and marched up and down in front of the Walla Walla Wal*Mart, you'd have a tough time winnning a defamation case against me. While that information would very probably be damaging to you in a real sense (would likely result in the loss of your job, or your parents disowning you), and you could argue that it was untrue, you'd have a tough time proving that I knew it was untrue. In my defense, I would argue that on numerous occasions, you presented yourself as a diaper fetishist on a public EBB, etc. ad literal naseum. You get my drift.
However, in the case of the MHIC blog, the author clearly knew he wasn't Lori Drew. He made statements about Drew's character, her actions, her motives, that her lawyer could easily prove caused her real harm. The case would hang, of course, on determining the identity of the individual who authored the blog.
Now, here's how I personally think this played out. I think you and Jeffrey collaborated on this thing. The caliber of the writing on the blog, while not particularly high, was better than you could have achieved. So I think Jeffrey wrote the entries.
However, you clearly contributed when you "responded" to comments as in-line text in one of the blog entries.
I think your defense should be that you weren't, at that time, presenting yourself as Drew (because it wasn't until the third entry that Jeffrey claimed to be Drew). So I think you're probably in the clear. But hey, close call, huh? Careful there, Matty.
Jeffrey is another matter. If he can be proved to be the author of the blog, he's wide open to a civil suit, and could easily be found to be in violation of the CDA. And while he probably only has a pot to piss in, my guess is that a lawyer would be willing to sue simply for the precedent it would set.
We'll see.
Another interesting perspective, this time from an actual lawyer:
What may be applicable is a federal statute passed in January of 2006 banning cyberstalking in interstate communications. The statute (47 USC section 223), which specifically includes internet communications, prohibits communications “without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person at the called number or who receives the communications.”
This federal statute is much more likely to be applicable, as the culprit is unlikely to reside in the city of Dardenne Prairie, Missouri given the national attention this story has received.
> So cute this whole "Internet cannot be taken
> seriously" thing. It's like, if you say it often
> enough, you believe it might actually come true!
So cute, the way you dumbfuck Webbies so desperately wish your way of retarded worked the same online as it did in the real world. Oh but hey, there is one ~very~ slight loophole which would allow your brand of stupid to work "online" in a sense...although it would only be capable of directly effecting a Webbie or an RL. It's what's known as the "Dread Pirate Blackmail" amongst those like myself. Essentially some Webbies or RLs who are in school (or in a similar circumstance) can be blackmailed with expulsion if they don't settle with the disputing party...although personally I've only seen that done with pirating cases, never over 'naughty words' on a blog...bit of a stretch really.
> And just because the laws haven't yet caught up
> doesn't mean they won't. In fact, they're catching
> up as we speak. Or type. Whatever.
Like I said, dumbfucks like you just don't get it. I mean they can pass all the laws they like, Sunshine, it doesn't mean fuck all to people like me one way or the other.
> A couple of cases have already determined that the
> ISP (in this case, Google) cannot be considered a
> "publisher" of the information posted through the
> Google blog pages in the traditional, legal sense,
> as Google (or AOL, or whatever entity) does not
> monitor that information prior to publication--or
> ever, really. (The TOS can't be considered
> moderation in any legal sense.) What that means,
> in effect, is that individuals are solely
> responsible for the content they post on line.
Which is basically saying that NO ONE is held responsible. LOL
> And individuals are being held legally accountable
> for what they post.There have been a couple of
> defamation suits (go Google them) in the courts
> over the last decade or so, and Perez Hilton gets
> sued regularly.
Why would you expect *ME* to research YOUR failing delusion? I mean either you can post the links to these lawsuits AND THEIR OUTCOMES (cause a lawsuit in and of itself doesn't mean fuck all)...or you can't post 'em and you're just pulling shit out of yer ass (like you usually do).
> In order to be considered defamatory, a statement
> must be A) untrue, B) damaging in a real sense,
> and C) the injured party must be able to prove
> that the alleged defamer knew the statement or
> statements to be untrue.
You of course being a lawyer (in addition to a graphic designer and a writer and possibly the queen of France).
You keep fumbling over the most important part though:
It's *ALL* about the intent. If it wasn't your intent to hurt the can't be liable. If you did it for the lulz, for the satire, then it's perfectly acceptable.
...of course, you can't even get that far.
See there's a problem with retards like you, in that you don't comprehend HOW the Internet works...and as such you're not aware of the fact that you can't ~really~ tell whose who online. On the one hand you have wireless routers, which a lot of people do, that being the case a person can simply claim they didn't do it and it must have been someone who drove down their block and used a laptop...or possible even a neighbor...or maybe even one of your kids...or maybe even one of your children's friends...LOL...the possibilities are endless really. And then of course, even if you don't have a wireless router, it's *VERY* easy to spoof someone else's IP addy. For example, if you send me an e-mail right now, I could get ahold of your IP addy and then once I have it, I could go and post whatever the fuck I like and simply spoof YOUR IP addy in place of mine, making it look like YOU were the one who posted it.
Neat how that works, innt? If you weren't so fumblingly stupid you would have been paying attention to all the cases the MPAA and RIAA kept dropping where that nasty little point was brought up (better to drop the case than risk losing their precious DMCA). And that's why laws regarding the Internet simply don't work...because there is NO WAY you can tell with ANY degree of absolute certainty who posted what...and since the site/board owners are automatically excluded from liability...well...doesn't look like anybody can really be held responsible (not with any aspect of certainty).
> For example, Matty, if I were to put on a sandwich
> board that read "Matty Moulton is a diaper-wearing
> pedophile" and marched up and down in front of the
> Walla Walla Wal*Mart, you'd have a tough time
> winnning a defamation case against me. While that
> information would very probably be damaging to you
> in a real sense (would likely result in the loss
> of your job, or your parents disowning you), and
> you could argue that it was untrue, you'd have a
> tough time proving that I knew it was untrue. In
> my defense, I would argue that on numerous
> occasions, you presented yourself as a diaper
> fetishist on a public EBB, etc. ad literal naseum.
> You get my drift.
Wow, you sure picked a dumbfuck example. I mean for one, that really wouldn't make me lose my job so much as it'd probably wind up getting you arrested for disturbing the peace...not to mention you would essentially be publicly humiliating yourself accusing some random stranger of something so deranged without any semblance of fact or reason to back it up other than, "I READS IT ON TEH INTERWEBS SO IT MUST BE TROO!" Especially when your motivation for doing it would be, "He hurt my feelings on teh Internet so I'm getting back at him!"
...and really, you dumbfuck, by that logic the original poster could just as easily claim that they BELIEVED the information about Lori Drew was in fact TRUE (because like your stupid ass they "read it on teh Interwebs").
But hey, don't take my word for it, Spittles, go ahead and show up outside Wal*Mart screaming on about how I'm "the Mad Hatter" and I "wear diapers" and "I'm a pedophile" and "I'm a furry" and "I'm insane" and "I'm the antichrist" and whatever other inane fucking fantasies you can come up with...see what happens, Dipshit. Go ahead and take a guess at the number of people who actually know me personally in the real world who are going to take some crazy sounding dumbfuck like you seriously (especially when the only evidence you have is some decade old troll shit you fucked out of Google the wrong way).
Here's a free cl00 for ya, ya Dumbfuck:
Not that I could sue you for something like that anyway since:
A. I don't give a frosty fuck
B. There's absolutely no way that anyone who isn't a crazy fuckin Hatter Addict could ~possibly~ think that any such accusations were even REMOTELY rooted in reality (again, especially when your only "evidence" is Hatter haet posts you read on teh Interwebs...not to mention forgeries).
> Further, However, in the case of the MHIC blog,
> the author clearly knew he wasn't Lori Drew.
How do you know? Maybe he suffers from some kind of schizophrenia in which he thinks he really *IS* Lori Drew.
> He made statements about Drew's character, her
> actions, her motives, that her lawyer could easily
> prove caused her real harm., hello, DUMBFUCK, reality calling, pretty much EVERYBODY online who had something to say about Lori fell into that category. And like your stupid ass, their only source of information was shit they read online (and very often with very poor reading comprehension).
> The case would hang, of course, on determining the
> identity of the individual who authored the blog.
Which, hurr, hurr, is impossible you fuckwitted imbecile, since whoever posted it can just claim that they didn't and somebody simply spoofed their IP or hijacked their wireless connection (presuming of course they didn't simply post it through a proxy). Not to mention the various proxy sharing bit torrent style networks out now. Those are pretty cool, basically hundreds/thousands of people connect to a shared network which then mixes up all the IPs, so you wind up doing everything online through one guys connection while everything he does is through your connection (or it can be through a whole variety of connections depending on how the server is configured). The bottom line though is that no one can accurately claim who is who and who did what when, especially since logs often aren't kept (or even made at all) and most of the servers like that are located in countries that don't really have any laws at all regarding the Internet.
> Now, here's how I personally think this played
> out. I think you and Jeffrey collaborated on this
> thing. The caliber of the writing on the blog,
> while not particularly high, was better than you
> could have achieved. So I think Jeffrey wrote the
> entries.
Oh so Jeffrey is the one who did it now, huh CSI Blogger? What happened to yer theory that it was me?
> However, you clearly contributed when you
> "responded" to comments as in-line text in one of
> the blog entries.
Um, hello, Dumbfuck Extraordinaire, did you even READ any of my comments in that blog? Cause last I checked I was pretty much one of like...five people, who were actually saying POSITIVE things about the Drews. Duh uh, think slow now, don't hurt yourself.
> I think your defense should be that you weren't,
> at that time, presenting yourself as Drew (because
> it wasn't until the third entry that Jeffrey
> claimed to be Drew). So I think you're probably in
> the clear. But hey, close call, huh? Careful
> there, Matty.
I think I'm going to go start a new blog right now claiming to be Lori Drew, just so I can torment your idiocy.
> Jeffrey is another matter. If he can be proved to
> be the author of the blog, he's wide open to a
> civil suit, and could easily be found to be in
> violation of the CDA. And while he probably only
> has a pot to piss in, my guess is that a lawyer
> would be willing to sue simply for the precedent
> it would set.
> We'll see.
No stupid, we won't, because nothing is going to happen. But hey, like I said, your kind is a dime a fuckin dozen and I've seen it time and time again where dumbfuck RL/Webbie Internet couch "lawyers" like you think that everything under the sun is magically gonna come true...just because YOU said it would.
You remind me of the last guy who was doing that, one Adam Netterville, from the adult baby community, who was absolutely CERTAIN I was going to wind up in court because I had "willfully and maliciously" said nasty things about gay people. LOL Or how about the owner of the Portal of Evil, good 'ol Chet, who claimed he was going to "sue me for libel" because I accused him of outsourcing his client server space. Yeah, there are no shortage of retards like you with unending delusions as to how things work in the real world. Don't worry though, Cuppycake, I'll be sure to make humiliating you a monthly/yearly event in which I laugh in your face ask you why neither of has wound up in court yet.
While you're at it you get right on that whole plan to march up and down in front of Wal*Mart wearing a sign accusing me of being a diaper wearing pedophile. I mean since you're *SO* sure that it's going to make me lose my job and all without having ANY negative consequence on yourself...why heck kiddo, what have you got to lose? LOL
Leigh, you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Please leave law in the hands of those who are licensed to practice it. Ignorant fucks like you like to pretend that you understand law as it pertains to the internet, but you aren't fooling anyone, except for yourself.
And again, I really hate to burst your bubble, but Hatter and I never encountered each other prior to the comment discussion in the Megan Had It Coming Happy Fun Time Memorial Circlejerk. Yes, oddly enough - as we're both subjects of Encyclopedia Dramatica articles, we've both lived in Grants Pass not too long in the distant past, and we currently live less than a couple hundred miles from one another on the Eastern side of Oregon's anus - Hatter and I never encountered each other in any manner.
No, I didn't author the Megan Had It Coming blog, nor can I take credit for anything there other than the comments I posted under my own name. It cannot be "proved" that I authored the blog for the simple fact that I did not. Nor do I know for a certainty who did, although I do have evidence to point toward a possible author (not Onideus Mad Hatter, in case you were wondering).
Also, I cannot help but point out how your logic fails. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that I actually had authored the Megan Had It Coming Happy Fun Time Memorial Circlejerk. Why the fuck would I identify myself openly in the comments of that blog while simultaneously trying to maintain a pretense of anonymity as the blog author? Do you take me for a moron? Were the blog my work, I'd have posted in the comments as anonymous, or as "Kristen", not as "Jeff", and especially not as "Jeff" while making a point to identify my full name and city of residence.
I'm really sorry the world doesn't work the way you'd like it to. You can always follow in Megan's footsteps...
Oh, I love the reply. All that venom, proof I really got under your skin. Did I call your little designs shit? I'm sure you'd love it if I spent hours "proving" myself to you, but I can't seem to muster up any compelling reason why I need to. Who are you again? Maybe I missed why you are important enough for me to bother...
Poor Matty. You know, arguments aren't won on word count, "d00d."
You keep fumbling over the most important part though:
It's *ALL* about the intent. If it wasn't your intent to hurt the can't be liable. If you did it for the lulz, for the satire, then it's perfectly acceptable.
This would be the easiest part of the accusations to prove. To try to argue that the author meant to harm to the Drews, or that he could not reasonably understand how his actions might harm the Drews would be tantamount to arguing that the axe murderer, while showing up at the victim's house with an axe, a roll of industrial plastic sheeting, shovels, gloves and a key to the front door, actuaully had not "intent" to axe murder the victim.
The proof is already in the pudding, ding dong.
Your wireless IP thing? Good point, though, I'll give you that.
However, I doubt the author went to so much trouble.
And as I said, we'll see.
Funny! You guys are both quite funny!
Jeffy, as it happens, apparently there IS evidence that you authored MHIC. This, of course, from a reputable source.
As I said, we shall see. If you don't get sued, it would only because the Drews wouldn't want the publicity.
And Matty, I seriously doubt you'll keep me amused for more than a few more days, much less a year.
You could try though.
> Oh, I love the reply.
What reply?
> All that venom,
One of my posts poisoned you, did it?
> proof I really got under your skin.
I'm sorry, who are you again? I mean there's that Lie, Liegh, Leigh, whatever the fuck her name is...but uh...who the fuck are you? Sorry if that makes you upset or something, it's just, if it happened more than three days ago on the Internet...well I don't exactly put much effort in hanging onto such idle forms of entertainment.
> Did I call your little designs shit?
You're asking me? Fuck if I know what you did, Sunshine, go run yerself a Google search.
> I'm sure you'd love it if I spent hours "proving"
> myself to you, no point do I ever even consider that as being a possibility for the vast majority of those I reply to...I'm certain you weren't any different, Sparkles. You confuse a lack of ability with making a choice.
> but I can't seem to muster up any compelling
> reason why I need to.
...and yet you're compelled to try and convince me that you have no compelling reason...right.
> Who are you again?
Apparently I'm the one who smashed yer fuckin head into the wall...I mean you're talking to someone and then just out of the blue, half way through your reply you suddenly forget who the fuck it is you replied to...WOW!
> Maybe I missed why you are important enough for me
> to bother...
Well considering all the "bother" you've already invested in coming to *MY* blog to try and convince, well, *ME* of all people how much you supposedly "don't bother"...yeah...maybe you ought to rethink your "logic" on this one and maybe try posting again...perhaps with a bit less stupid next time.
>Poor Matty. You know, arguments aren't won on word
>count, "d00d."
They are when the word count presents facts, arguments and examples that a dumbass like you can't counter.
> This would be the easiest part of the accusations
> to prove. To try to argue that the author meant to
> harm to the Drews, or that he could not reasonably
> understand how his actions might harm the Drews
> would be tantamount to arguing that the axe
> murderer, while showing up at the victim's house
> with an axe, a roll of industrial plastic
> sheeting, shovels, gloves and a key to the front
> door, actuaully had not "intent" to axe murder the
> victim.
Maybe he didn't, Stupid. If it was a practical joke of some kind and the end result was no one getting axe murdered, well obviously SOMETHING doesn't match up. If you weren't so feeble minded you would also comprehend that, that is exactly how a great many people get away with things, because it's so very easy to prove a lack of evidence regarding intent.
> The proof is already in the pudding, ding dong.
Well let us all know when you manage to find this magical pudding that has all your imaginary "proof" in it, cause the shit you've been smearing on the wall so far doesn't account for squat outside of yer wanton little wet dreams of online retribution.
> Your wireless IP thing? Good point, though, I'll
> give you that.
> However, I doubt the author went to so much
> trouble.
> And as I said, we'll see.
You dumbfuck n00b.job, trolls spoof other people's IPs all the time, it's half the fun of trolling fer fuck sake. What a fuckin moron you are. *rolls eyes*
Your ego is absolutely amazing. Are you like that in real life? My guess is no. How would you be able to function in real life with all that ego? No where to hide. You are so pathetic.
> Funny! You guys are both quite funny!
You seem to have a real NEED to try and convince us all of that, I wonder why.
> Jeffy, as it happens, apparently there IS evidence
> that you authored MHIC. This, of course, from a
> reputable source.
Yeah, she read it on teh Interwebs so it *MUST* be true. *nods*
> As I said, we shall see. If you don't get sued, it
> would only because the Drews wouldn't want the
> publicity.
Oh, cue the backpedal...and so soon too. Tsch, tsch, tsch...and you were *SO* sure of yourself not even three posts ago. Did you learn an important lesson, Sweetums?
> And Matty, I seriously doubt you'll keep me amused
> for more than a few more days, much less a year.
> You could try though.
Your obsessive posting habits are in no way dependant upon your ability to desperately try and convince us all of how much amusement you're getting out of being bitch slapped across your idiot face with reality.
Does this IP range look familiar?
Jeffy, as it happens, apparently there IS evidence that you authored MHIC. This, of course, from a reputable source.
By "reputable source", do you mean the St. Charles Journal, where the lawyers said the blog was possibly authored by a "man in Oregon" (funny, last I checked, Oregon was a pretty fucking huge place), or the Death By 1000 Papercuts blog ("reputable source" my ass) where Ginn exposes her ignorance and incapability of distinguishing between two different URLS?
Or perhaps you're just pulling shit out of your ass and hoping that nobody notices the difference?
Matty, Matty! Here's a handkerchief! Wipe the froth off your chin!
Yes, dear, you (and Jeffy) amuse me. You do. For example, it's especially amusing to watch you freak out and post reams of nonsense in response to almost anything I write. I'm not sure what you're saying, because I don't really read it (it's way too long and convuluted for me to bother with). It's simply the me: "You jump"/You: "How high" interaction that tickles me.
And Jeffy, while I did see the article you cite (I quoted it here, no?), that isn't the souce.
And one more time for those watching at home: We'll just wait and see what comes of your foolishness.
Oh, and by the way, Matty? I hope you don't think I was serious in my suggestion that I'd picket your Wal*Mart. I wouldn't. I'm not that concerned about your fetishes, and you clearly need the job.
> Your ego is absolutely amazing.
LOL, what ego? I believe in what's real, there's no denying it without looking like a retard (as those like yourself enjoy doing).
> Are you like that in real life?
I don't need to be since dumbfuck retards like yourself generally know well enough to keep your idiot mouths shut when in public, lest you get socially raped up the ass with your own stupidity.
> My guess is no.
Most of your existence is guessing when you get right down to it.
> How would you be able to function in real life
> with all that ego? No where to hide. You are so
> pathetic.
In real life no one is foolish enough to question my abilities and even online only the most desperate of Hatter Addicts or tweenage muppet fucks will try to critique my work at this point. If I were truly as egotistical as you claim I am, well I would go around saying I am the absolute best at everything...however that simply isn't the case. There's plenty of things I don't know, plenty of things I haven't done before and even in the areas where I hold the title of "expert" the field is always evolving and changing and there are ALWAYS new things to learn and discover.
But the fact is, compared to you...I'm practically fucking God straight up the ass for personal favors as far as my level of ability and understanding. To me, those like yourself are simply, well...retarded. Now I'm sure you know a few retarded people in the real world and I'm sure if you ever had to work with them and explain something to them that you might wind up coming across as a bit egotistical, that's not to say you are, it's just from their limited perspective that's all the better they can judge of you.
> Does this IP range look familiar?
No, why should it? Run a WHOIS on it if you want to find out about it.
What is "it" that you are explaining to me???
Does this IP range look familiar?
Oregon Telephone Corporation. Based in Mt. Vernon, Oregon, and provides dial-up service. More recently, provides wireless internet access.
Why? What's the significance? Or are you just grasping at straws?
Er, actually, I might be mistaken. That may also be the former IP range of Blue Mountain Cable Company.
> Matty, Ma*COCK SLAP*
Some bitches just need a good hard slap across their face with a great big man cock like mine.
> Here's a handkerchief! Wipe the froth off your
> chin!
Thanks, next time SAY IT don't SPRAY IT.
*Hatter wipes Liegh's spittle off his chin.*
> Yes, dear, you (and Jeffy) amuse me.
Doesn't sound very convincing, maybe you could put a bit more effort into it.
> You do.
Oh well *I'M* certainly convinced. *nods*
> For example, i*COCK SLAP*
I'm sorry, who was it again that asked you to try and "explain" yourself to me? Cause really Cuppycake...I don't give a fuck whether you're having a good time or not, it certainly isn't going to change the fact that I'm using you as CHEAP entertainment. Having you under the delusion that you're having a good time getting fucked up yer fat ass with your own idiocy is just the icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned
> And Jeffy, while I did see the article you cite (I
> quoted it here, no?), that isn't the souce.
> And one more time for those watching at home:
> We'll just wait and see what comes of your
> foolishness.
And wait...and wait...and're gonna be waitin a LOOOONG damn ass time, Sweets. You best not hold yer breath otherwise you'll wind up like Megan.
Obviously at this point you've realized what a fuckin retard you've been and rather than simply own up to that fact you're trying to backpedal your way out of it in the most banal way imaginable. You can just keep claiming "Oh well we just need to wait to see what happens.", when you and everyone else already knows that NOTHING will happen because NOTHING can happen given the circumstances. Essentially you're trying to claim that pigs can fly and then when asked for proof you're saying, "Oh well we just to wait for it to happen."
Fallacy much, Downs?
> Oh, and by the way, Matty?
You need a copy editor in like the worst way imaginable.
> I hope you don't think I was serious in my
> suggestion that I'd picket your Wal*Mart.
Why would I care either way? Sorry to bitch slap reality into you with my cock again, but honestly, I haven't even enough bother to acknowledge you as a sentient presence beyond the five minutes or less it takes me to churn out these posts.
> I wouldn't.
So theoretically speaking what would it require exactly to push you to the point where you would? Everyone has their limits...wanna talk about yours?
> I'm not that concerned about your fetishes,
I'm actually very certain that the reason most of the people like yourself who obsess over me *SO* much actually *ARE* "concerned" about whatever fetish some retard is trying to claim I have.
It's very telling in the fact that despite the vast number of fetishes that doorknobs like yourself have tried to claim that I have...well, you always seem to fixate on just ONE and then you're like a dog with a bone. Like you can't even let more than one post go by without trying to bring it up, no doubt jackin yerself off on the spin cycle every time it even gets idly mentioned.
> and you clearly need the job.
Considering how much I enjoy using it to bait lessers like yourself into tripping and falling over your own stupidity in an attempted online pissing contest...well heck ya!
> What is "it" that you are explaining to me???
Feeling especially slow today are you?
And Jeffy, while I did see the article you cite (I quoted it here, no?), that isn't the souce.
Now you have me intrigued. What is this mysterious "source", which does not actually exist on the internets, and supposedly proves that I am the author of a blog that I did not, in fact, author?
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